Have you ever wondered what a truly ideal life would look and feel and experience like? Many of us do this, at least some of it,
in the odd, passing, snatched day dream fantasy. Or If you do something like what I do, you quickly write it off as fanciful, wishful thinking. Put that aside and get on with something more practical - work at hand! There are lots of dollar hungry folk out there endlessly offering us the latest perfect method and solution to getting what we want in terms of happiness, money, health, security and so on - Just pay here and take these simple steps today! Probably most of us are sick of this nonsense by now and dont give them a second glance. Yet still, that gnawing need or dull, uncomfortable, inner Heart and Soul ache is still present - or we just learn to live with it and get along. Now I'm not going to offer any path to quick riches or road to marvellous joy, fulfillment and happiness - However what I am on a BIG mission to get out into the world and promote, is knowledge of our original inner being, our True Mind, Heart and Spirit. Spiritual knowledge and knowledge of our Soul. I define 'Knowledge' as information + experience that is given the appropriate Spiritual angle. We can all gain 'knowledge' that renders us limited and constricted because we have a limiting belief 'lens' (program) running in our sub-conscious minds, or we can gain 'knowledge' that empowers us and sets us free, because of a different type of lens that supports growth and freedom. Perhaps from a true Spiritual angle, we should be aiming for a place beyond all belief stuctures. Deliberate, consciously adopted, empowering belief stuctures, are a huge improvement on the limiting, default variety, however a third option exists past any belief software program. In this zone, or state of awareness, we operate from any chosen belief stucture that will serve our purpose in the moment, or simply directly from INTENT itself. Intent is the Spirit, that aspect of Consciousness that is both Immanent (now, personal) and transcendant, God the Holy Spirit, Purusha in Yoga. Intent as Spirit, is way different to simple intents and purposes. A simple intention is 'I shall go to the shop and buy some groceries', 'I shall buy this new car' and so on. Intention could be said to be a 'consciousness' that we live or try to live by, like a moral or ethical code. Or perhaps a deliberately assembled consciousness that we express. A doing of some thing in order to achieve some goal.. However, 'Intent' as Spirit is something far more profound. Intent at this level is the entire edifice, immanent and transcendant of a set of circumstances and conditions. It may be said to be a kind of road-map that we 'our-selves, did not concieve the details of in any way. In this way, Spirit or Intent is transcendant. This of course is the reason that from our personal self angle we simply focus on the best use of our energy, otherwise known as impeccability. We do our best, in the moment, in our own eyes for our-selves - not in the eyes of society, peer groups, culture and so on. A little dwelling will reveal that within the realm of our own Soul - Heart, True Mind and Spirit, we experience in life via our feelings. Intelectualism is cold and academic. Warmth, genuine friendship, courage, empathy and all the other attributes of Soul can only be brought to the fore, activated, even just recogniszed, once we realize and take up the reigns of captaincy of our own Heart, Spirit and True Mind. Those of us endlessly influenced by the rational logical edifice (visible where ever we look around us) can only ever in truth, be lost in an endless maze of mathematics, grid system formulas, linear clock time, the heavy, thick conditioning of culture and the traditional religious, social and intelectual systems. Having so said regarding the Rational mind, equally mis-leading, is to be endlessly swayed and enamoured with the apparent reality circumstance and conditions. Samsara and Maya in Yoga. This first and very powerful reflection, is a feedback loop that we all fall prey to at one time or another, sometimes for an unpleasantly long time. Nevertheless, take heart, it is perfectly possible with a little effort and self work, to learn to deal effectively with the endless reflections of our 'Self' – in short hand, stop trying to scratch the mirror surface to see a change. Rather change your-self as the reflector of the images. The Spiritual path gives us the exact knowledge that we all require to achieve this. The bottom line is that Spirit is antithetical to mathematics. The forefront, leading edge, emminent scientists in our modern era, in hot pursuit of the final reduction - the God Particle, shall never truly find it by continuing to employ the vehicle of 'Science'. They have hit the Hard Problem anyway - Consciousness. The ultimate Observer Effect. Historic, obstinate refusal to include consciousness in mainstream science is at last breaking down down now as researchers and experimenters begin to factor in this most obvious element that the ancients have been pointing towards for centuries. Past all conditioning and even past the physical body and rational mind, we coast into the waters of our True Original Being - the luminous fiery flame of our Soul, unschackled from its immersion and imprisonment in dense matter, the rational, logical mind and physical bodies. This state of awareness/Con-sciousness is the great treasure found when we begin exploring altered states and Deep Meditation. Our Soul, at this un-fettered level of Con-sciousness, can only 'Know' without words and thoughts. Subtle Feeling is interpreted directly by our True Mind in the Heart, not the common neo cortex variety in our Head. Here we can only 'Be' original, raw, un-conditioned awareness. This is the source of the great biblical saying I Am - Before Abraham was, I AM. (Abraham as the father of modern human races) After Abraham passes. I shall be - I AM. Some time back I developed a guided Audio for assisting us to get past the physical body and linear conditioned mind. I have had consistent good feedback, so here it is again. Many of our new subscribers, students and new teachers will not have had access to this Audio. Guided Audio for Out of Body Experience. You can use it as a deep meditation and I would suggest a careful reading and applying of the notes that accompany the Audio before you do so. Also, best results are always obtained from practicing many times. So take it over a number of days or 3/4 times a week for a few weeks. Clarity and sincerity of 'Con-sciousness' is so vital as we reflect and Contemplate deep within our own Being-ness as an aspect of our Daily Spiritual practice. Without the highest level of inner sincerity, we will just be backing for whatever level of internal deceit and dis-honesty currently apply. I am up-grading the original Coaching course now to a general Spirituality version. Hopefully out quite soon now and covering the material addressed in these newsletters and a lot more. Deep blessings, and as always, do reach out if you need to.
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AuthorPaul Carlos is the founder of Sacred Spiral Yoga.