The common idea that Patanjali was the ‘father of Yoga’ is erroneous (Feurstein) since yoga existed as a philosophy, way back to the vedic times. (8000 years +)
Patanjali is usually said to be an Indian scholar and saint who ‘codified’ yoga into his sutras of 196 aphorisms. He is also credited with the establishing of the ubiquitous ‘eight limb path’ (Astanga). The older six limb path existed long before Patanjali and other even older forms were prevalent.
Patanjali’s famous ‘Yoga Sutras’ are given here with editions by Swami Jananeshvara Bharathi. Also included are his excellent ‘7 keys’ and his expanded narrative version which is highly recommended to begin with. This narrative version is available for download below on audio by Paul Carlos.
Serious students of yoga are urged to deeply study the sutras and aim for gaining penetrative, meditative insight. The roots and very essence of yoga will eventually become realised by this practice.
The common idea that Patanjali was the ‘father of Yoga’ is erroneous (Feurstein) since yoga existed as a philosophy, way back to the vedic times. (8000 years +)
Patanjali is usually said to be an Indian scholar and saint who ‘codified’ yoga into his sutras of 196 aphorisms. He is also credited with the establishing of the ubiquitous ‘eight limb path’ (Astanga). The older six limb path existed long before Patanjali and other even older forms were prevalent.
Patanjali’s famous ‘Yoga Sutras’ are given here with editions by Swami Jananeshvara Bharathi. Also included are his excellent ‘7 keys’ and his expanded narrative version which is highly recommended to begin with. This narrative version is available for download below on audio by Paul Carlos.
Serious students of yoga are urged to deeply study the sutras and aim for gaining penetrative, meditative insight. The roots and very essence of yoga will eventually become realised by this practice.
The Audio renditions available free of charge in our store were written by Swami Jananeshvara Bharati and narrated by Paul Carlos. The y should be read and studied on an on-going basis. best to get a sense of which sections are relevant for our current situation and then deeply absorb the essence of these incredible sutra's in contemplation and meditation.