Inner Silence is an essential state we need to be able to align. Inner Silence is the portal to the Spirit. Intent.
Silence implies more than a cessation of thoughts. True Silence includes emotional quiescence and stillness of the egoic impulse.
We have to Intend Inner Silence. Groom it steadily. Only within this state are we able to reach our original Being. The rational, analytical mind is switched off. We're in a state of No Time, since the rational mind can only work within time.
True inner Silence means that we are 'en rapport' with our Heart, which operates beyond linear space, matter, time - the physical plane.
Actions to take.
Daily, we should practice the Intent of aligning Silence. The force of our attention is like a torch beam illuminating whatever it shines. Mostly, our attention illuminates our egoic self, the rational thinking mind, our circumstances, our emotions and so on.
Learn to drag your attention off those items and place it into detachment and neutral, non-judgmental observer mode. Hold the Intent to reach inner silence and you will.
Silence implies more than a cessation of thoughts. True Silence includes emotional quiescence and stillness of the egoic impulse.
We have to Intend Inner Silence. Groom it steadily. Only within this state are we able to reach our original Being. The rational, analytical mind is switched off. We're in a state of No Time, since the rational mind can only work within time.
True inner Silence means that we are 'en rapport' with our Heart, which operates beyond linear space, matter, time - the physical plane.
Actions to take.
Daily, we should practice the Intent of aligning Silence. The force of our attention is like a torch beam illuminating whatever it shines. Mostly, our attention illuminates our egoic self, the rational thinking mind, our circumstances, our emotions and so on.
Learn to drag your attention off those items and place it into detachment and neutral, non-judgmental observer mode. Hold the Intent to reach inner silence and you will.