Spiritual Coaching
This process can be leveraged from just about any angle, however some common topics seem to recur frequently. Of course life is not limited to these categories, so really anything can be addressed provided it is within a general realm. In other words I do not work with specific conditions that require specialised health care or expert advice.
I have given some introduction to each from a Sacred Spiral perspective.
During the Spiritual Coaching process I make a point of meeting each individuals situation, so the material becomes specific to that person. Should you wish to find out more about private 1 -1 Spiritual Coaching sessions, please use the contact form to the right of this post with the word 'coaching' in the subject, and I will send you costs and details. Please also add comprehensive detail on the issues you need help with.
All sessions are confidential and will be conducted via Zoom, Skype or Google Hangouts. I transact via PayPal. Once your payment is received, a day and time will be arranged. A comrehensive Spiritual Coaching course will soon be available. Relationships
The most important relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves. Second is likely our partners in life and related family. Our relationship with our pet hamster is actually no less important dynamically. If our self-relationship is healthy, then this will ripple out as we deal with and manage all other relationships. . . continue reading. Career and work life.
Regarding choosing a career that gives us deeper meaning in life, once some time has gone by in your chosen 'career', you are not wanting to just be still 'enjoying' your work, but growing in a meaningful way that will give us greater fulfillment, happiness and joy, wisdom, inter-relationship caring and cummunity upliftment. How to get this right? . . . Continue reading Religion and Spirituality
Probably just about every human alive on the planet has some kind of inner or guiding principle - even if they are not aware of this or perhaps there dominant guiding principle is chaos and confusion. All systems, whether formal, mainstream religions like christianity and judaism, eastern philosophies, yoga, buddhism and many more, provide a strong framework of tradition and guidlines created by others that have gone before us. . . Continue reading Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance
In our western society, and basically globally now, we seem to base life virtually exclusively on the material level of existance. We gauge and measure our worth and scale our progress on the evidence of what we have been able to 'achieve' in life. The car we drive, the phone we casually and more than often strategically show, the accolades we have gathered up and so on, all add up to form our inner picture of who and what we are. Continue reading Wellness and Health
Probably the majority of folk tend to place responsibility for wellness and personal health outside of there own sphere of control and ability to alter. This is certainly changing now-a-days as people become more self empowered. This whole state of affairs is a remnant from the days, not so long back, where one gave virtually full power over to a 'professional' such as a doctor or specialist. Undoubtedly there is a place for professional doctors, experts and specialists - when you break your leg it's best you get to a doctor as soon as you can. Continue reading Meditation, Contemplation and Relaxation
Meditation is 'becoming familiar with' one's chosen object. The stages of meditation are: 1st - concentration 2nd - meditation - the sustaining of that initial concentration for an extended period of time without losing the thread and having to start over again. 3rd - samhadi - the state of merging of subject, object and the process itself. Samyama is the term for the three levels taken together as a tool. In traditional Yoga the 'sight of the soul', Atman, is the chosen object. The motivation being self realisation. Continue reading The Law of Attraction
This idea has gained a lot of popularity in recent times, popularised by the film The Secret. One likely cause is that it appears to offer folk a novel method of changing there life situations in very positive ways. So relationships, wealth and prosperity, health and healing issues, career and more. Famous people who have spoken of this type of universal principle include: Mahatma Ghandi - "Be the change you wish to see in the world", Deepak Chopra picked this up and said "If you want to be happy, make someone else happy, if you to find the right person in your life, be the right person, if you want to see change in the world, be that change you wish to see.” . . . Read more Finding Meaning in Life
As with most things, meaning is different things to different people. Also meanings change. Some 'meanings' are superficial and others deep. All meanings change. The 'meaning' and thrill feeling one person gets from riding a motor bike devlishly fast down the highway may have cherished meaning. Another type of person may get cherished meaning from collecting stamps. Both forms of meaning and feeling are perfectly valid and neither one is at all better that the other. The 'warmth' and 'love' most folk look for so much from a significant other and family is another common example. As good as these axamples are, they are in reality, as are most, if not all of our experiences in life, temporal . . . Continue reading |
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