Toltec Oracle Cards
The Toltec Wisdom tradition is ancient to say the least. Passed down in lineages from teacher to apprentice, it has always been an oral system since the precept was held that the true teachings could not be written down but have to be lived in experience in order to make sense. A good example of this may be shown in that the goal of the training is to become a 'Man of Knowledge' - which one only attains for a brief moment after which the path continues. Naguals (teachers/leaders) never simply handed out material and pupils had to work strenuously by themselves in order to actualize the knowledge. Having said that, the purpose, as with all authentic wisdom traditions, is Self Realization and Liberation from this Earthly material plane. perhaps one differentiating factor is that the Toltec way is the way of 'Power'. It was only in relatively recent times that certain lineages realized that Power for the sake of power did not lead to Freedom and a certain re-direction took place as they dedicated themselves to attaining this coveted state. Realise that it takes Power to even get out of bed in the morning on the one end of the scale, and on the other - Power without Wisdom leads to the wielders of that Power hurting themselves with it or worse, utterly destroying themselves. So the formula became 'Power with Wisdom for the purpose of Freedom. Which is the stated purpose of this deck of cards.
How to use these cards
As with all the items of our personal world, this card system will gradually become more and more attuned to you - the user. While the 'Power' (knowledge contained within them) is certainly universal, the nuances of meaning will pertain to exactly where your awareness is assembling your perception and understanding at the moment you engage a card. The point being that to another person at that specific time, the information may simply be mildly interesting or just cold. In certain ancient systems the oracle may have been kept completely hidden from others and never shared whatsoever. It is uniquely yours.
Find a quiet place, center and balance your energy for a while and then draw a card. Read slowly and carefully but without using the intellectual mind to work out the meaning. This may be immediately apparent but more often will take some time to filter up into your daily waking consciousness. Be patient but keep a part of your awareness vigilant to receiving the message. Remember the system inter-relates, so all the teachings are ultimately needed. Finally, remember to shuffle the cards very well before and after using them.
Find a quiet place, center and balance your energy for a while and then draw a card. Read slowly and carefully but without using the intellectual mind to work out the meaning. This may be immediately apparent but more often will take some time to filter up into your daily waking consciousness. Be patient but keep a part of your awareness vigilant to receiving the message. Remember the system inter-relates, so all the teachings are ultimately needed. Finally, remember to shuffle the cards very well before and after using them.