
Words are hugely powerful when used appropriately and correctly.
Our spoken word is carried in the medium of sound, which can sometimes account for more transmission of meaning than the literal meaning of the words. We express our inner feelings and thoughts and sentiments with words and sometimes hide behind them in a kind of smoke screen effect.
Internal dialogue, a type of conversation with ourselves, arises out of our views of the world. Words bubble up to discuss and confirm our reality.
Careless words spoken, cannot be retracted and may cause a lot of hurt to others.
Some folk are 'all talk' as the saying goes - meaning they are full of empty words. It's unlikely they will act upon them or that they can back them up, and so they are just bravado and an exhibition of self agrandizement.
When we are not 'true to our word', we disempower ourselves - in our own eyes first and soon in the eyes of others.
Action to take
Try to speak a little less than usual, and when you do, listen to your own words and the nuances of your own voice as you speak with various people. You will notice a deeper story being told as you hear the sound.
What is that story? Is it a story to please others and gain approval? Are you expressing your Soul appropriately? Are you expressing your sense of self importance or self pity?
Our spoken word is carried in the medium of sound, which can sometimes account for more transmission of meaning than the literal meaning of the words. We express our inner feelings and thoughts and sentiments with words and sometimes hide behind them in a kind of smoke screen effect.
Internal dialogue, a type of conversation with ourselves, arises out of our views of the world. Words bubble up to discuss and confirm our reality.
Careless words spoken, cannot be retracted and may cause a lot of hurt to others.
Some folk are 'all talk' as the saying goes - meaning they are full of empty words. It's unlikely they will act upon them or that they can back them up, and so they are just bravado and an exhibition of self agrandizement.
When we are not 'true to our word', we disempower ourselves - in our own eyes first and soon in the eyes of others.
Action to take
Try to speak a little less than usual, and when you do, listen to your own words and the nuances of your own voice as you speak with various people. You will notice a deeper story being told as you hear the sound.
What is that story? Is it a story to please others and gain approval? Are you expressing your Soul appropriately? Are you expressing your sense of self importance or self pity?